Electron Microscopy
To see what no one has seen before
Whether you are interested in learning how to do electron microscopy (EM) yourself or prefer us to do EM for you – we can help! We offer a wide variety of preparation and visualization techniques for biological samples ranging from standard methods to cutting-edge cryo-EM for high-resolution 2D or 3D imaging. We also provide a basic scanning EM service to visualize surface structures of biological samples.
Need EM of a biological sample? Want to learn how to do EM yourself? Interested in learning more about our EM services?

Electron microscopy training and infrastructure usage
Infrastructure users receive thorough training in the techniques/instruments they are interested in. All our instruments - from basic sample preparation equipment to our most sophisticated electron microscopes - are available to users 24/7. We further support our users in planning, execution, and interpretation of all EM-related experiments and regularly organize EM workshops and microscopy training.

EM service to visualize biological samples
We can do EM for you and have experience in the visualization of the following samples:
- Molecules (RNA, DNA, proteins, lipids)
- Complexes (liposomes, emulsions, synthetic structures)
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Organelles
- Eukaryotic cells (fungi, plants, animals)
- Tissues
- Surface structures
We are also very interested in establishing protocols for new samples.

Sample preparation techniques
We offer a wide variety of different sample preparation techniques to ensure optimal preservation of your specimen:
- Negative staining for rapid visualization of macromolecules, proteins, viruses, organelles, or bacteria
- Conventional chemical fixation for tissue samples and cell monolayers
- High pressure freezing and freeze substitution for superior cellular preservation of cells and tissues
- Rotary shadowing for high contrast examination of protein complexes
- Freeze fracturing and etching for visualization of surfaces, membranes, and the inside of membranous compartments
- Plunge freezing (immersion freezing) for cryo-EM (“cryo plunge freezing”) for best possible preservation of small samples close to their native state
- Tokuyasu as a method for cryo-sectioning in combination with immunogold labeling
- Immunolabeling to locate structures of interest
- Ultramicrotomy: ultra-thin sectioning of resin-embedded samples
- Sample preparation for SEM (scanning electron microscopy) to study surface structures

Imaging techniques
We offer the following EM imaging techniques to visualize your samples:
- Basic Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to visualize the surface topology of samples
- Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) to examine ultrastructure
- Conventional 2D EM
- Tomography - 3D EM
- Cryo-EM (single particle and cryo-electron tomography)
- Correlative Microscopy
The 200 kV Thermo Fisher Scientific Glacios is a cryo-TEM for high-throughput sample screening and fully automated data recording. The Glacios is exclusively used for cryo-EM (single particle and cryo-tomography). Watch a time-lapse video of the installation below.
Please click here for more information.
The FEI Morgagni 268D is a robust and easy-to-use 100 kV TEM equipped with an Mega View III CCD (Olympus-SIS) camera. The microscope is easy to use and tailored for sample screening and routine visualization of:
- Negatively-stained samples
- Rotary-shadowed samples
- Ultrathin sections
- Immunolabelled samples
Please click here for more information.
The FEI Tecnai G2 20 (T20) is a 200 kV TEM equipped with an Eagle 4k HS camera and can be used for 2D and 3D (tomography) visualization of:
- Negatively-stained samples (screening and automated data recording)
- Rotary-shadowed samples
- Room temperature tomography of resin-embedded samples
Please click here for more information.
This is a robust and easy-to-use table top scanning electron microscope for visualization of surface properties at higher resolution and deeper focus depth than achievable by light microscopy. The image is generated with back-scattered electrons induced by an electron beam of 15 keV.
Sample preparation is straightforward since it does not require coating with a conductive layer. The biological material can be frozen in liquid nitrogen. Alternatively, it can be chemically fixed and critical point-dried.
Additionally, we offer the following equipment and techniques:
- Immersion and slam freezing
- High vacuum evaporators and sputter coaters
- High pressure freezing and freeze substitution
- Sectioning
- Embedding
- Sample preparation for scanning electron microscopy
- Ancillary equipment
- Light microscopes
Please click here for more information.
Installation of GLACIOS at VBCF Electron Microscopy Facility

In general, we offer four types of access to our shared research infrastructure:
- Research projects
- Full research services
- Trained user access | user labs
- Shared technology platform
Typically, these are set but not limited by the offered technology or instrument, and differ in the required user expertise, the usability of a technology, the user’s pre- and postprocessing input, and the underlying operational models.
Research project
Research projects are the equivalent of contract research organizations (CRO). The customer submits the starting material/sample and receives the ready-to-use data for publication. Hence, core facility members are often co-authoring and involved in the entire publication process.
Full research service
The user submits the sample, we perform a pre-defined workflow (incl. QC) and process the raw data. Data interpretation or contributions to publications cannot be offered in this service mode.
Trained user access | User labs
VBCF experts maintain an instrument park and train users to operate it. This requires a certain level of expertise, maturity of the offered technology, a hands-on attitude and reliability from the user.
Shared technology platform | Instrument park
These technologies require expert knowledge to run the offered instruments. Experts are hired by one of the research institutes on the Vienna BioCenter Campus. The experts maintain an instrument park, run the experiments and train other trainers. Machines can only be operated by experts.
The VBCF Electron Microscopy facility can be accessed via research projects. The facility also provides full research service and trained user access.
In general, the VBCF General Cooperation Conditions apply. If you want to use equipment or require training, please fill out the Infrastructure Usage and Training Request form. To book your services, please provide the following details in a service request:
- What is your scientific question?
- Which organisms and samples are you working with?
- Do you have preliminary results?
- Are there any papers describing what you want to do?
We require acknowledgement of facility use in publications. A simple statement is sufficient and can be placed in the Materials and Methods section or in the Acknowledgments section, depending on the journal format.
Suggested format:
The XXXXXX was performed by the Electron Microscopy Facility at Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities (VBCF), member of the Vienna BioCenter (VBC), Austria.
In case of (co-)authorship:
The Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities (VBCF) Electron Microscopy Facility acknowledges funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science & Research; and the City of Vienna.
Collaborating Labs
- CIUS Vienna - Cell Imaging and Ultrastructure Research
- ZMF Graz - Core Facility Ultrastructure Analysis
- USTEM TU Vienna - Service Facility for Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Nexperion
- IST Austria
EM Instrumentation Manufacturers
Software Tools
Electron Microscopy Journals
- Journal of Microscopy
- Journal of Structural Biology
- Ultramicroscopy
- Micron
- Journal of Electron Microscopy
Discussion Groups and Mailing Lists
Analysis of extracellular vesicle microRNA profiles reveals distinct blood and lymphatic endothelial cell origins. Pultar M, Oesterreicher J, Hartmann J, Weigl M, Diendorfer A, Schimek K, Schädl B, Heuser T, Brandstetter M, Grillari J, Sykacek P, Hackl M, Holnthoner W. (2024) Journal of Extracellular Biology Vol3, Issue 1, January 2024, e134
A rapid freezing method to determine tissue layer thickness in drought-stressed leaves. Zekri MA, Leimhofer C, Drexler N, Lang I (2024) Journal of Microscopy, 2024; 1-9.
Structural basis of human U5 snRNP late biogenesis and recycling.Riabov Bassat D, Visanpattanasin S, Vorländer M.K., Fin L, Phillips AW, Plaschka C (2024) Nat Struct Mol Biol (2024).
Generation of complex bone marrow organoids from human induced pluripotent stem cells. Frenz-Wiessner S, Fairley SD, Buser M, Goek I, Salewskij K, Jonsson G, Illig D, Putlitz B, Petersheim D, Li Y, Chen P, Kalauz M, Conca R, Sterr M, Geuder J, Mizoguchi Y, Megens RTA, Linder MI, Kotlarz D, Rudelius M, Penninger JM, Marr C, Klein C. Nat Methods (2024).
Effects of small extracellular vesicles derived from normoxia- and hypoxia-treated prostate cancer cells on the submandibular salivary gland epithelium in vitro. Špilak A, Brachner A, Friedl HP, Klepe A, Nöhammer C, Neuhaus W (2024) Tissue Barriers 2024
Dynamic microvilli sculpt bristles at nanometric scale. Ikeda KN, Belevich I, Zelaya-Lainez L, Orel L, Füssl J, Gumulec J, Hellmich C, Jokitalo E, Raible F (2024) Nat Commun 15, 3733 2024
Correlative light and electron microscopy at defined cell cycle stages in a controlled environment. Bragulat-Teixidor H. and Otsuka S. (2024) Methods in Cell BiologyVolume 187, 2024, Pages 73-97
Staying on track - Keeping things running in a high-end scientific imaging core facility. Renaud O, Aulner N, Salles A, Halidi N, Brunstein M, Mallet A, Aumayr K, Terjung S, Levy D, Lippens S, Verbavatz JM, Heuser T, Santarella-Mellwig R, Tinevez JY, Woller T, Botzki A, Cawthorne C, Core4Life Consortium, Munck S. (2024) J Microsc. 2024 Jun;294(3):276-294.
Mechanism for the initiation of spliceosome disassembly. Vorländer MK, Rothe P, Kleifeld J, Cormack ED, Veleti L, Riabov-Bassat D, Fin L, Phillips AW, Cochella L, Plaschka C (2024) Nature 632, 443–450 (2024).
Docking a flexible basket onto the core of the nuclear pore complex. Stankunas E, Köhler A (2024) Nat Cell Biol (2024).
Tau fibrils evade autophagy by excessive p62 coating and TAX1BP1 exclusion. Ferrari L, Bauer B, Qiu Y, Schuschnig M, Klotz S, Anrather D, Juretschke T, Beli P, Gelpi E, Martens S (2024) Sci. Adv.10,eadm8449(2024).
The endoplasmic reticulum connects to the nucleus by constricted junctions that mature after mitosis. Bragulat-Teixidor H, Ishihara K, Szücs GM, Otsuka S (2024) EMBO Rep. 2024 Jul;25(7):3137-3159.
Seipin governs phosphatidic acid homeostasis at the inner nuclear membrane. Romanauska A, Stankunas E, Schuldiner M, Koehler A (2024) Nature Communications 15 10486.
Morphological and molecular characterization of Stomachicola muraenesocis Yamaguti, 1934 (Digenea: Hemiuridae) from the daggertooth pike conger Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål). Ghanei-Motlagh R., Hernández-Orts J.S., Fast M.D., Whyte S.K., El-Matbouli M., Saleh M. Parasitology. 2023:1-21.
Adeno-Associated Virus-like Particles' Response to pH Changes as Revealed by nES-DMA. Zoratto S, Heuser T, Friedbacher G, Pletzenauer R, Graninger M, Marchetti-Deschmann M, Weiss VU. Viruses. 2023 Jun 13;15(6):1361.
Time-resolved cryo-EM (TR-EM) analysis of substrate polyubiquitination by the RING E3 anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C). Bodrug T, Welsh KA, Bolhuis DL, Paulаkonis E, Martinez-Chacin RC, Liu B, Pinkin N, Bonacci T, Cui L, Xu P, Roscow O, Amann SJ, Grishkovskaya I, Emanuele MJ, Harrison JS, Steimel JP, Hahn KM, Zhang W, Zhong ED, Haselbach D, Brown NG. Nat Struct Mol Biol. 2023 Nov;30(11):1663-1674.
Structural evidence for elastic tethers connecting separating chromosomes in crane-fly spermatocytes. Forer A, Otsuka S. Life Sci Alliance. 2023 Aug 17;6(11):e202302303.
Human serum albumin nanoparticles as a versatile vehicle for targeted delivery of antibiotics to combat bacterial infections. Skoll K, Palmetzhofer J, Lummerstorfer M, Anzengruber M, Gabor F, Wirth M. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, Volume 50, 2023, 102685, ISSN 1549-9634.
A phylogenetic profiling approach identifies novel ciliogenesis genes in Drosophila and C. elegans. Dobbelaere J., Su Y. T., Erdi B., Schleiffer A., Dammermann A. The EMBO Journal 2023 e113616.
Cryo-EM structure of the chain-elongating E3 ubiquitin ligase UBR5. Hodáková Z., Grishkovskaya I., Brunner L. H., Bolhuis D.L, Belačić K, Schleiffer A., Kotisch H., Brown N.B., Haselbach D. The EMBO Journal 2023 42:e113348.
Archaeosomes facilitate storage and oral delivery of cannabidiol. Sedlmayr V., Horn C., Wurm D.J., Spadiut O., Quehenberger J. International Journal of Pharmaceutics 2023, Volume 645, 2023, 123434, ISSN 0378-5173.
Lipid saturation controls nuclear envelope function. Romanauska A. & Köhler A. Nat Cell Biol 25, 1290–1302 2023.
Morphological Study of PHA Producing Bacteria. Hrubanova K., Sikorova P., Mrázová K., Nebesarova J., Obruca S., Krzyzanek V. Microscopy and Microanalysis, Volume 29, Issue Supplement_1, 1 August 2023, Pages 883–884.
Structure and regulation of the myotonic dystrophy kinase-related Cdc42-binding kinase. Truebestein L, Antonioli S, Waltenberger E, Gehin C, Gavin AC, Leonard TA. Structure, 31,435-446.e4.
Description, molecular identification and pathological lesions of Huffmanela persica sp. nov. (Nematoda: Trichosomoididae: Huffmanelinae) from the daggertooth pike conger Muraenesox cinereus. Ghanei-Motlagh R, Fast MD, Groman D, Kumar G, Soliman H, El-Matbouli M, Saleh M. Parasites Vectors 16, 182 (2023).
Structural basis for regulation of apoptosis and autophagy by the BIRC6/SMAC complex. Ehrmann JF, Grabarczyk DB, Heinke M, Deszcz L, Kurzbauer R, Hudecz O, Shulkina A, Gogova R, Meinhart A, Versteeg GA, Clausen T. Science. 2023 379(6637):1117-1123.
Extracellular Vesicles and Particles Modulate Proton Secretion in a Model of Human Parietal Cells. Mistlberger-Reiner A, Sterneder S, Reipert S, Wolske S, Somoza V. ACS Omega. 2023 8(2):2213-2226.
Characterization of membrane vesicles in Alteromonas macleodii indicates potential roles in their copiotrophic lifestyle, Fadeev E, Carpaneto Bastos C, Hennenfeind JH, Biller SJ, Sher D, Wietz M, Herndl GJ, microLife 2023, 4, uqac025
mRNA recognition and packaging by the human transcription-export complex. Pacheco-Fiallos B, Vorländer MK, Riabov-Bassat D, Fin L, O'Reilly FJ, Ayala FI, Schellhaas U, Rappsilber J, Plaschka C. Nature. 2023 Apr 5. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05904-0. Epub ahead of print.
Aerosol delivered irradiated Escherichia coli confers serotype-independent protection and prevents colibacillosis in young chickens. Paudel S, Hess C, Kamal Abdelhamid M, Lyrakis M, Wijewardana V, Thiga Kangethe R, Cattoli G, Hess M. Vaccine. 2023 41(7):1342-1353.
A molecular network of conserved factors keeps ribosomes dormant in the egg. Leesch F, Lorenzo-Orts L, Pribitzer C, Grishkovskaya I, Roehsner J, Chugunova A, Matzinger M, Roitinger E, Belačić K, Kandolf S, Lin TY, Mechtler K, Meinhart A, Haselbach D, Pauli A. Nature. 2023 613(7945):712-720
Stabilization of the Quadruplex-Forming G-Rich Sequences in the Rhinovirus Genome Inhibits Uncoating—Role of Na+ and K+. Real-Hohn A, Groznica M, Kontaxis G, Zhu R, Chaves OA, Vazquez L, Hinterdorfer P, Kowalski H, Blaas D Viruses. 2023; 15(4):1003.
PCYT2-regulated lipid biosynthesis is critical to muscle health and ageing. Cikes D, Elsayad K, Sezgin E, Koitai E, Torma F, Orthofer M, Yarwood R, Heinz LX, Sedlyarov V, Miranda ND, Taylor A, Grapentine S, Al-Murshedi F, Abot A, Weidinger A, Kutchukian C, Sanchez C, Cronin SJF, Novatchkova M, Kavirayani A, Schuetz T, Haubner B, Haas L, Hagelkruys A, Jackowski S, Kozlov AV, Jacquemond V, Knauf C, Superti-Furga G, Rullman E, Gustafsson T, McDermot J, Lowe M, Radak Z, Chamberlain JS, Bakovic M, Banka S, Penninger JM. Nat Metab. 2023 5(3):495-515.
Fundamental insights in early-stage inclusion body formation. Kopp J, Bayer B, Slouka C, Striedner G, Dürkop M & Spadiut O (2023) Microbial Biotechnology, 16, 893–900.
Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Bone Marrow Organoids. Frenz S, Goeki I, Buser M, Salewskij K, Fairley S, Conca R, Drexler N, Jonsson G, Thomas M, Mizoguchi Y, Rudelius M, Heuser T, Marr C, Penninger JM, Klein C. Blood (2022) 140 (Supplement 1): 1682–1683.
The Xbp1-regulated transcription factor Mist1 restricts antibody secretion by restraining Blimp1 expression in plasma cells. Wöhner M, Pinter T, Bönelt P, Hagelkruys A, Kostanova-Poliakova D, Stadlmann J, Konieczny SF, Fischer M, Jaritz M, Busslinger M. Front Immunol. 2022 13:859598.
EVAnalyzer: High content imaging for rigorous characterisation of single extracellular vesicles using standard laboratory equipment and a new open-source ImageJ/Fiji plugin. Schürz M, Danmayr J, Jaritsch M, Klinglmayr E, Benirschke HM, Matea CT, Zimmerebner P, Rauter J, Wolf M, Gomes FG, Kratochvil Z, Heger Z, Miller A, Heuser T, Stanojlovic V, Kiefer J, Plank T, Johnson L, Himly M, Blöchl C, Huber CG, Hintersteiner M, Meisner-Kober N. J Extracell Vesicles. 2022 11(12):e12282.
Structure of the peripheral arm of a minimalistic respiratory complex I. Schimpf J, Oppermann S, Gerasimova T, Santos Seica AF, Hellwig P, Grishkovskaya I, Wohlwend D, Haselbach D, Friedrich T. Structure. 2022 30(1):80-94.e4
Transcriptome, metabolome and suppressor analysis reveal an essential role for the ubiquitin-proteasome system in seedling chloroplast development. Talloji P, Nehlin L, Hüttel B, Winter N, Černý M, Dufková H, Hamali B, Hanczaryk K, Novák J, Hermanns M, Drexler N, Eifler K, Schlaich N, Brzobohatý B, Bachmair A. BMC Plant Biol. 2022 22(1):183.
p57Kip2 imposes the reserve stem cell state of gastric chief cells. Lee JH, Kim S, Han S, Min J, Caldwell B, Bamford AD, Rocha ASB, Park J, Lee S, Wu SS, Lee H, Fink J, Pilat-Carotta S, Kim J, Josserand M, Szep-Bakonyi R, An Y, Ju YS, Philpott A, Simons BD, Stange DE, Choi E, Koo BK, Kim JK. Cell Stem Cell. 2022 29(5):826-839.e9.
Introduction to cryo-transmission electron microscopy.Hielkema L., Heuser T., Paulino C. and Walter A.; 2022 Chapter 2; This chapter was published in the textbook Imaging Modalities For Biological And Preclinical Research: A compendium, Volume 1 (IOP Publishing Ltd,2021) ISBN: 978-0-7503-3059-6
A functional corona around extracellular vesicles enhances angiogenesis, skin regeneration and immunomodulation. Wolf M, Poupardin RW, Ebner-Peking P, Andrade AC, Blöchl C, Obermayer A, Gomes FG, Vari B, Maeding N, Eminger E, Binder HM, Raninger AM, Hochmann S, Brachtl G, Spittler A, Heuser T, Ofir R, Huber CG, Aberman Z, Schallmoser K, Volk HD, Strunk D. J Extracell Vesicles. 2022 11(4):e12207.
Release of CHK-2 from PPM-1.D anchorage schedules meiotic entry. Baudrimont A, Paouneskou D, Mohammad A, Lichtenberger R, Blundon J, Kim Y, Hartl M, Falk S, Schedl T, Jantsch V. Sci Adv. 2022 8(7):eabl8861.
Cryo-EM structure of the plant 26S proteasome. Kandolf S, Grishkovskaya I, Belačić K, Bolhuis DL, Amann S, Foster B, Imre R, Mechtler K, Schleiffer A, Tagare HD, Zhong ED, Meinhart A, Brown NG, Haselbach D. Plant Commun. 2022 3(3):100310.
BacPROTACs mediate targeted protein degradation in bacteria. Morreale FE, Kleine S, Leodolter J, Junker S, Hoi DM, Ovchinnikov S, Okun A, Kley J, Kurzbauer R, Junk L, Guha S, Podlesainski D, Kazmaier U, Boehmelt G, Weinstabl H, Rumpel K, Schmiedel VM, Hartl M, Haselbach D, Meinhart A, Kaiser M, Clausen T. Cell. 2022 185(13):2338-2353.e18.
Lysosomal enzyme trafficking factor LYSET enables nutritional usage of extracellular proteins. Pechincha C, Groessl S, Kalis R, de Almeida M, Zanotti A, Wittmann M, Schneider M, de Campos RP, Rieser S, Brandstetter M, Schleiffer A, Müller-Decker K, Helm D, Jabs S, Haselbach D, Lemberg MK, Zuber J, Palm W. Science. 2022: eabn5637
A mitotic chromatin phase transition prevents perforation by microtubules. Schneider MWG, Gibson BA, Otsuka S, Spicer MFD, Petrovic M, Blaukopf C, Langer CCH, Batty P, Nagaraju T, Doolittle LK, Rosen MK, Gerlich DW. Nature. 2022 609(7925):183-190.
Transverse Electron-Beam Shaping with Light. Chirita Mihaila MC, Weber P, Schneller M, Grandits L, Nimmrichter S, Juffmann T Phys. Rev. X 2022 12, 031043
AKIRIN2 controls the nuclear import of proteasomes in vertebrates. de Almeida M, Hinterndorfer M, Brunner H, Grishkovskaya I, Singh K, Schleiffer A, Jude J, Deswal S, Kalis R, Vunjak M, Lendl T, Imre R, Roitinger E, Neumann T, Kandolf S, Schutzbier M, Mechtler K, Versteeg GA, Haselbach D, Zuber J. Nature. 2021 599(7885):491-496.
Scalable Enrichment of Immunomodulatory Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cell Line-Derived Extracellular Vesicles. Binder HM, Maeding N, Wolf M, Cronemberger Andrade A, Vari B, Krisch L, Gomes FG, Blöchl C, Muigg K, Poupardin R, Raninger AM, Heuser T, Obermayer A, Ebner-Peking P, Pleyer L, Greil R, Huber CG, Schallmoser K, Strunk D. Cells. 2021 10(12):3321.
miR-1 sustains muscle physiology by controlling V-ATPase complex assembly. Gutiérrez-Pérez P, Santillán EM, Lendl T, Wang J, Schrempf A, Steinacker TL, Asparuhova M, Brandstetter M, Haselbach D, Cochella L. Sci Adv. 2021 7(42):eabh1434.
Cohesin mediates DNA loop extrusion by a "swing and clamp" mechanism. Bauer BW, Davidson IF, Canena D, Wutz G, Tang W, Litos G, Horn S, Hinterdorfer P, Peters JM. Cell. 2021 184(21):5448-5464.e22.
Glycoproteins of Predicted Amphibian and Reptile Lyssaviruses Can Mediate Infection of Mammalian and Reptile Cells. Oberhuber M, Schopf A, Hennrich AA, Santos-Mandujano R, Huhn AG, Seitz S, Riedel C, Conzelmann KK. Viruses. 2021 13(9):1726.
An inhibitor-mediated beta cell dedifferentiation model reveals distinct roles for FoxO1 in glucagon repression and insulin maturation. Casteels T, Zhang Y, Frogne T, Sturtzel C, Lardeau CH, Sen I, Liu X, Hong S, Pauler FM, Penz T, Brandstetter M, Barbieux C, Berishvili E, Heuser T, Bock C, Riedel CG, Meyer D, Distel M, Hecksher-Sørensen J, Li J, Kubicek S. Mol Metab. 2021 101329
Reprogrammed lipid metabolism protects inner nuclear membrane against unsaturated fat. Romanauska A, Köhler A. Dev Cell. 2021 56(18):2562-2578.e3.
HUWE1 employs a giant substrate-binding ring to feed and regulate its HECT E3 domain. Grabarczyk DB, Petrova OA, Deszcz L, Kurzbauer R, Murphy P, Ahel J, Vogel A, Gogova R, Faas V, Kordic D, Schleiffer A, Meinhart A, Imre R, Lehner A, Neuhold J, Bader G, Stolt-Bergner P, Böttcher J, Wolkerstorfer B, Fischer G, Grishkovskaya I, Haselbach D, Kessler D, Clausen T. Nat Chem Biol. 2021 17(10):1084-1092.
Cross-modality imaging of bisphosphonate-treated murine jawbones. Reier S, Turyanskaya A, Heimel P, Frischauf N, Meusburger D, Heuser T, Drexler N, Janovszky Á, Streli C, Slezak P, Plochberger B, Dungel P, Szabó A, Walter A. Analyst. 2021 146(14):4683-4699.
Effect of hydroxypropyl‐β‐cyclodextrin in fluid and semi‐solid submicron emulsions on physiological skin parameters during regular in vivo application. Pany A., Wohlgenannt M., Klopprogge S., Wolzt M., Heuser T., Kotisch H., Valenta C., Klang V. (2021) Int J Cosmet Sci, 43(2):263-268
Binding Mode Characterization of Osteopontin on Hydroxyapatite by Solution NMR Spectroscopy. Holzinger J, Kotisch H, Richter KW, Konrat R (2021) ChemBioChem 2021, 22, 1-7.
Substrate-engaged type III secretion system structures reveal gating mechanism for unfolded protein translocation. Miletic S, Fahrenkamp D, Goessweiner-Mohr N, Wald J, Pantel M, Vesper O, Kotov V, Marlovits TC. Nat Commun. 2021 12(1):1546.
The linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) generates heterotypic ubiquitin chains. Rodriguez Carvajal A, Grishkovskaya I, Gomez Diaz C, Vogel A, Sonn-Segev A, Kushwah MS, Schodl K, Deszcz L, Orban-Nemeth Z, Sakamoto S, Mechtler K, Kukura P, Clausen T, Haselbach D, Ikeda F. Elife. 2021 10:e60660.
Structural basis for inhibition of the AAA-ATPase Drg1 by diazaborine. Prattes M, Grishkovskaya I, Hodirnau VV, Rössler I, Klein I, Hetzmannseder C, Zisser G, Gruber CC, Gruber K, Haselbach D, Bergler H. Nat Commun. 2021 12(1):3483.
The dimeric Golgi protein Gorab binds to Sas6 as a monomer to mediate centriole duplication. Fatalska A, Stepinac E, Richter M, Kovacs L, Pietras Z, Puchinger M, Dong G, Dadlez M, Glover DM. Elife. 2021 10:e57241
Cryo-EM grid optimization for membrane proteins. Kampjut D, Steiner J and Sazanov L (2021) iScience 24(3):102139.
An acentriolar centrosome at the C. elegans ciliary base. Garbrecht J, Laos T, Holzer E, Dillinger M and Dammermann A (2021) Current Biology 31(11):2418-2428.e8.
A crucial role for Jagunal homolog 1 in humoral immunity and antibody glycosylation in mice and humans. Hagelkruys A, Wirnsberger G, Stadlmann J, Wöhner M, Horrer M, Vilagos B, Jonsson G, Kogler M, Tortola L, Novatchkova M, Bönelt P, Hoffmann D, Koglgruber R, Steffen U, Schett G, Busslinger M, Bergthaler A, Klein C, Penninger JM (2021) J Exp Med. 218(1):e20200559.
Safe and effective two-in-one replicon-and-VLP minispike vaccine for COVID-19: Protection of mice after a single immunization.Hennrich AA,Sawatsky B,Santos-Mandujano R,Banda DH,Oberhuber M,Schopf A,Pfaffinger V, Wittwer K,Riedel C,Pfaller CK, Conzelmann K (2021) PLoS Pathog 17(4): e1009064.
Cardioids reveal self-organizing principles of human cardiogenesis. Hofbauer P, Jahnel SM, Papai N, Giesshammer M, Deyett A, Schmidt C, Penc M, Tavernini K, Grdseloff N, Meledeth C, Ginistrelli LC, Ctortecka C, Salic S, Novatchkova M, Mendjan S (2021) Cell 184 (12) 3299-3317.e22.
Components and Architecture of the Rhabdovirus Ribonucleoprotein Complex. Riedel C, Hennrich AA, Conzelmann KK. Viruses. 2020 12(9):959.
Cell death induced autophagy contributes to terminal differentiation of skin and skin appendages. Koenig U., Robenek H., Barresi C., Brandstetter M., Resch GP., Gröger M, Pap T., Hartmann C. (2020) Autophagy 16(5):932-945
Structures of three MORN repeat proteins and a re- evaluation of the proposed lipid-binding properties of MORN repeats. Sajko S, Grishkovskaya I, Kostan J, Graewert M, Setiawan K, Trübestein L, Niedermüller K, Gehin C, Sponga A, Puchinger M, Gavin A, Leonard T, Svergun I, Smith T, Morriswood B, Djinovic-Carugo K (2020) PLoS ONE 15(12): e0242677
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