

The microscope is located in Room 4.73.01 (phone: + 43 (1) 7962324 - 7124) and can be reserved via our EM reservation system.

  • Hardware:

    Tungsten filament emitter

    100 kV (operated at 80 kV)

    Mega View III CCD camera (Olympus-SIS)

  • Software:

    Morgagni software (version 3.0)

    iTEM (version 5.0)

Tecnai G2 20

The T20 is located in Room 4.55. and can be reserved via our EM reservation system.

  • Hardware:

    LaB6 filament emitter

    Operated at 200 kV

    Eagle 4k HS CCD camera

    Magnetic field compensation system

  • Software:

     SerialEM (v3.x): automated data recording; acquisition of tilt series for electron tomography; grid mapping

     Sentinel: monitoring system


The Glacios is located in Room 4.59.02 (phone: + 43 (1) 790 44 - 4267) and can be reserved via our EM reservation system.

  • Hardware:

    200 kV X-FEG

    Autoloader for up to 12 cryo samples

    Volta phase-plate

    Ceta Camera

    Falcon3 Direct Electron Detector

    Magnetic field compensation system

  • Software:

    Sentinel: monitoring system


    SerialEM: automated data recording; acquisition of single particle or tilt series for cryo-electron tomography, and grid mapping

Additional equipment and techniques

Immersion and slam freezing:

  • Leica EM GP: plunge freezer for highly reproducible preparation of cryo-samples. This instrument was developed and tested in a collaboration of the EM Facility (under the lead of the former facility head, Günter Resch) with Leica. A sensor allows for the precise detection of the contact point of liquid sample and filter paper to allow highly-reproducible blotting forces even when filter papers are wrinkled due to a high humidity environment.   
  • Manual plunge freezers for vitrification of thin specimens on grids (Room 4.59.02)
  • Leica EM CPC metal mirror freezer (Room 4.59.02)


High vacuum evaporators and sputter coaters:

  • Edwards Auto306 high vacuum evaporator (Room 4.73.03)
  • Bal-Tec MED020 high vacuum evaporator with quartz film thickness monitor for resistance evaporation of metals and carbon, and electron gun evaporation of platinum and carbon (Room 4.73.03)
  • BALZERS BAF400 for high vacuum evaporation and freeze etching (Room 4.73.03)
  • Bal-Tec SCD005 sputter coater (Room 4.59.02; 4.73.03)


High pressure freezing and freeze substitution:

  • Wohlwend HPF Compact 01 high pressure freezer (Room 4.73.04)
  • Two Leica AFS A and Leica AFS II automatic freeze substitution devices (Room 4.73.04)



  • Leica EM Trim for trimming resin-embedded specimens (Room 4.73.04)
  • Reichert EM Trim
  • Reichert UCS ultramicrotome (Room 4.74.02)
  • Leica UCT ultramicrotome (Room 4.74.02)
  • Leica UCT ultramicrotome with Leica EM FCS cryo-setup (Room 4.74.03)
  • Leica RMC, Leica LKB, and Leica EM KMR2 glass knife makers (Room 4.74.02)



  • Leica Tissue Processor for embedding larger amounts of tissue (Room 4.74.03)
  • Electron Microscopy Sciences 820 microwave (Room 4.74.03)


Sample preparation for scanning electron microscopy:

  • BALZERS CPD030 critical point dryer for scanning electron microscopy (Room 4.73.03)
  • Bal-Tec SCD050 (Room 4.73.03)


Ancillary equipment:

  • Selutec Tec020 cell incubator (Room 4.73.03)
  • Two polymerization ovens (Room 4.73.04)
  • Double distilled water still (Room 4.73.04)
  • Knauer K-7400 semi-micro osmometer (Room 4.73.04)


Light microscopes:

  • Two Leica MZ6 stereo microscopes for specimen preparation (Room 4.73.04)
  • Leica Wild M3Z stereomicroscope (Room 4.73.03)
  • Leica S4E stereomicroscope (Room 4.73.04)