General information VBC Child Care Center
Our kindergarten is divided into two locations, which are only a few minutes’ walk from each other.
Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse 3, 1030 Vienna
- Tel: 01/ 40125 - 10303
- E-Mail: campus.biocenter@wien.kinderfreunde.at
- 1 toddler group (5 m. - 1 ½ y.), 1 toddler group (1 ½ y. – 3 y.), 1 kindergarten group (3 y. – 6 y.)
- Garden - sandbox, slide, basket swing, vehicles
Maria-Jacobi-Gasse 1, 3.3, 1030 Vienna
- Tel: 01/40125 – 10304
- E-Mail: kdg.mqm@wien.kinderfreunde.at
- 1 toddler group (11 m. – 2 1/2 y.), 2 family groups (2 ½ y. – 6 y.)
- Sports room
- Garden - sandbox, slide, basket swing, vehicles
- Kindergarten location Helmut-Qualtinger-Gasse: Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 6pm.
- Kindergarten location Maria-Jacobi-Gasse: Monday to Friday from 7am to 6pm.
- Crechè (3months to 1.5 years of age): Monday to Friday from 8am to 4:30pm
- Austrian Public holidays
- Dec 24th + 31st
- Last week of August (general cleaning and planning week)
- One educational closing day (between March and June each year)
Our aim is to make your start at the VBC Child Care Center as simple and smooth as possible; nevertheless, there is a formal procedure to fulfill the legal requirements of the City of Vienna and to facilitate the organization of our day-to-day work:
1. Non-binding registration at the Child Care Center: As soon as you know that you want to bring your child to our Child Care Center, please contact us to arrange a tour and discuss your preferred starting date. At that point, please also hand-in the completed form A (see download section), so that we can place a reservation for you. If you come from abroad, please forward the form via e-mail to campus.biocenter(at)wien.kinderfreunde.at.
2. Apply for a registration number (“Kindergartennummer”) at the Magistrate (MA 10): For enrollment in any child care establishment in Vienna, you need a registration number from the Magistrate in Vienna. To receive this number, just fill in form B (see download section) and e-mail it to the service point responsible for your residential district. The respective email addresses can be found here. You can also apply for a registration number online here.
3. Binding registration at the VBC Child Care Center: Please arrange an appointment with the head of the Child Care Center to sign the binding registration and agree on the starting date. To finalize the registration procedure, please bring a deposit of €100 and a registration fee of €100. This appointment also gives you the opportunity to meet our teachers and to clarify any questions you might have before your start.
If you have any questions concerning our Child Care Center or the registration procedure, please don’t hesitate to contact the head of the Child Care Center at any time!
Monthly Fees
The Kindergarten fee is graduated by the child’s age. Please refer to VBC Child Care Fee Overview for details on further details
Up to 13 Months of age the monthly fee is €398
From 14 Month of age the monthly fee is €296
The Child Care Center is being financed through four sources:
- Funding by the City of Vienna (Magistratsabteilung MA 10) to Kinderfreunde
- basic childcare fee (from €154,76 to €356,17 depending on the age of the child)
- childcare fee for Vienna residents of €333,96 per month*
- Monthly Fees paid by the Parents to Kinderfreunde (see overview above)
- Company Contribution paid to VBCF**
- VBCF Core Funding, covering the remainder of costs
*Thus, the fees outlined above refer to Vienna residents only. Should the family change their registered address (“Meldeadresse”) outside the municipality of Vienna, the support for Vienna residents is no longer applicable. The monthly fee then increases by €333.96
**The Company Contribution is paid to VBCF on a quarterly basis. If the employer does not cover the company contribution, the parents need to get in touch with the child care center to discuss that matter. In case your employer covers the cost, please fill out Form C (see download section) to confirm that your employer will take over the Company Contribution.
Transition from family to kindergarten
Since the transition from family to kindergarten is a great challenge for every child and is often associated with separation pain and uncertainty, we consider a careful, gentle, gradual and individual acclimation to be essential. In order to make the transition from family to kindergarten as gentle as possible for your child, we need one thing above all: your help and the necessary time. You know your child and his or her needs best and are therefore our most important contact person.
There are a few things you can consider before the transition period to make the beginning of the transition period less stressful. A very important factor is time. Please note that the duration of the transition period is different for each child. Therefore, plan at least 3 weeks for it and a time buffer (make a plan B), should your child need longer to get used to the new situation. Please adhere to time frames (drop-off and pick-up times) during the acclimation process. In addition, it is also important for us to know how old the child is, in which developmental phase the child is, and whether the child has already attended a kindergarten or a facility with nanny service in Austria or in another country.
In order to provide the best possible support for your child's acclimation, the Kinderfreunde Wien have developed a three-phase model with which we work.
Together with your child, you spend a previously discussed period of time in the group. Children react very differently to a new environment. Some may be cautious and hesitant at first, while others are open and full of energy. During this first phase of settling in, try to accept your child's behavior and accompany him or her through this time in a supportive manner. Your presence in the room is enough to create a "haven" for your child to retreat to when he or she feels the need. This basis creates security and enables your child to discover new things without stress. During this phase, our educators/assistants will slowly and gently establish contact with your child and ask you more about your child in conversations.
This phase overlaps with the trust-building phase and begins when you as the caregiver and the educators feel that your child already feels safe. Since every child is different and has his or her own unique needs, there is no set time frame for these initial separation attempts. First separation attempts are always of short duration, well prepared, discussed with you and usually take place in the middle of the first week of kindergarten. For this purpose, you will briefly leave the group room, out of sight of your child, but in close proximity. In order not to violate the children's trust, it is important to always inform your child that you are leaving the group briefly. How children respond to this phase varies greatly. In close consultation with you, we plan, discuss and reflect on further separation steps. Your child and his or her needs are always at the center of what we do together.
If the first attempts at separation are successful, the duration of the separation can be extended. Your child's settling-in period is completed when a stable relationship develops between your child and the educators/assistants. This does not necessarily mean that your child no longer feels separation pain and expresses it. Your child is now slowly beginning to adjust to his or her new environment and build trust. Every child has different needs. Every acclimation is as unique and individual as your child. In order for this to be successful, time, understanding, patience, trust and openness are needed.