Vienna Open Lab
Vienna Open Lab is a joint initiative of OPEN SCIENCE and IMBA, with the aim of making research in the life sciences more accessible to the general public. To date, it has provided more than 100,000 visitors with an interactive glimpse into the life sciences.
Visitors can perform real experiments with many of the tools and techniques used by scientists today. Two modern, hands-on laboratories are available for laymen to learn about scientific techniques and methods. Supervised by young students and researchers, visitors can explore the exciting world of molecular biology, from isolating DNA to genetic and chemical analyses.
More than 20 workshops for children, teenagers, and adults as well teachers are available all year round. From pre-school children to senior citizens, the Vienna Open Lab organizes a variety of programs suitable for all ages and levels of scientific understanding.
With more than 13,000 visitors who participate in courses each year, the Vienna Open Lab is the most successful hands-on laboratory in Austria.