Three ERC Consolidator Grants awarded to Vienna BioCenter Researchers

The European Research Council (ERC) awarded Consolidator Grants to three Vienna BioCenter group leaders, representing CeMESS, Max Perutz Labs and IMP.




CeMESS: ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate seagrass symbionts
DOME group leader Jillian Petersen was awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant to delve into the biodiversity and ecological functions of a widespread group of microbial symbionts inhabiting coastal marine ecosystems, like seagrass meadows and salt marshes. The project aims to test the theory that Sedimenticolaceae symbionts provide their hosts with a natural ‘fertilizer’ by fixing nitrogen, and that they cleanse the environment of toxic sulfides.

Read the full story here.

MAX PERUTZ LABS: ERC Consolidator Grant to investigate the inter-organelle communication between the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus.
Perutz group leader Shotaro Otsuka received the ERC Consolidator Grant. The Otsuka lab is investigating the inter-organelle communication between the endoplasmic reticulum and the nucleus. The project “conNEctoER” aims to understand the structure and function of membrane connections that link the nucleus to the endoplasmic reticulum.

Read the full story here.

IMP: ERC Consolidator Grant to study how to unlock an immune response in cancer
The European Research Council (ERC) awarded a Consolidator Grant to senior group leader Anna Obenauf to study tumours and their microenvironment during therapy-challenge with the goal to inform rational combination therapies and to unleash a potent immune response towards cancer cells.

Read the full story here.