This is complemented by further private investment from Baobá and a Swiss based family office, and totals around €0.5M.
This funding will be used to further support the Phase 1 program of Eveliqure’s vaccine candidate to prevent diarrhoeal diseases caused by Shigella and Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), and follows previous private financing and the approx. € 11M non-dilutive funding from the European Union’s Research and Innovation program Horizon2020, the Wellcome Trust, and the Austrian Research Promotion Agency, FFG.
Diarrhoeal diseases remain to this day a major cause of death and illness among children under five years of age living in low- and middle-income countries. Although usually considered as a non-life-threatening condition, diarrhoeal diseases also affect up to half of the travellers visiting resource-poor countries. Two major pathogens are responsible for up to 50% of diarrhoeal diseases, Shigella and ETEC. Eveliqure’s vaccine candidate, ShigETEC, is an orally administered vaccine that induces a serotype independent protection against Shigella and that also targets ETEC, offering a broad protection against both these pathogens.