Over a period of 10 years, the Vienna BioCenter Core Facilities will receive funding of 60 million Euro for the acquisition and operation of scientific infrastructure and research services. This was announced by Science Minister Heinz Faßmann and Vienna City Councilor for Economic Affairs Peter Hanke today. The two politicians joined VBCF director Daniele Soroldoni for a press briefing, followed by a tour through the facilities.
During the previous funding cycle of 10 years, the Vienna BioCenter underwent impressive growth and became a leading center of life science research, education, and entrepreneurship in Europe. As of today, it is home to four renown research institutes with competitive training programs, outlets of three universities, and 38 biotech companies. The dynamic expansion continues, as the University of Vienna biology departments which are currently located in the 9th district will move to the campus later this year.
Daniele Soroldoni pointed out that the VBCF were and are a key driver of this remarkable journey. Offering central facilities and services of expert scientists to different entities was a bold and visionary move ten years ago – one that became an internationally followed model. The VBCF will invest the public support to maintain its state-of-the-art infrastructure and exceptional pool of experts, but also to meet new demands through the growth of the campus.
In his presentation to the politicians and media, Soroldoni highlighted the passion, expertise, and professionalism of the employees at the core facilities. Representing the VBCF as the spearhead of the Vienna BioCenter, he thanked Minister Faßmann and Councilor Hanke for their commitment by declaring them members of the “Team Vienna BioCenter” – marked by bespoke sports jerseys.
In addition to the investment into the core facilities, the Vienna Open Labs will receive 1.7 million Euro of funding in support of its educational mission.